As an Independent Collective, Allegra Escorts does not have “employees”, per se; we work with a wide range of independent service providers, most of whom have some experience in the industry. We offer a safe working environment and create conditions where you can work and promote yourself in a way that is comfortable, safe, and personally fulfilling. We do not discriminate based on race, gender, dis/ability, or age (provided that you are at least 19 years old). If you are motivated, confident, and service-oriented, we can help create the conditions for you to maximize your potential, and we are always interested in adding to our illustrious team.
We prefer those who have some prior experience in erotic work – dancing/stripping, independent escorting, webcam modeling, experience at another agency, etc – but previous experience is not required, provided you’re willing to learn. Post-secondary students and grad school students are very welcome; it can be a great part-time job to help with the ever-rising cost of tuition, and we’ll work around your schedule to ensure you’re able to maintain your academic success.
If you are at least 19 years of age and wish to arrange a face-to-face conversation, please email us directly at If possible, please include details about your work history, including a link to a current or previous website or advertisement (where possible). Recent pictures and a short personal description would be helpful too. Please note that we may take up to three days to reply to inquiries, and we will not be able to arrange conversations with every applicant that contacts us.
© 2025
Allegra Escorts Collective. All Rights Reserved.